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Writer's Cramp
Contact Us

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How do you like our Service? Do you have any questions or comments? Our business depends on your satisfaction, so please let us know what you think.

Just send message to owner directly by e-mailing ghillevans@cfl.rr.com or to reach the general e-mail address, just click the following address in the e-mail section below:

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or you can call and ask more about us.

give us a call at (386)789-7999

Job Openings

If we have jobs available, we might want to post them here, along with information about how to apply.

Sister Company Link

Just as we relieve you from your literary/special project stress, we offer a solution for your stress in other areas. Today's economy often require you or your employees to work weekends, odd shifts or nights to complete an assignment or project. Teddy Bear Night Care (407-221-4478) is a new home childcare that is fully licensed (license#127144) thru the Childcare Network. Feel free to contact this state agency for background (386-323-2400 x124/125) This childcare service is safe, loving and provides a nurturing environment while the parent works. The rates are quite reasonable, and credit cards, and vouchers are also accepted

Teddy Night Care